Remote work and parenting

woman in brown sweater using macbook pro

Remote working parents are juggling more than ever.

Working from home and looking after the family in the middle of a pandemic is a lot.

Social restrictions and limited resources due to the pandemic are draining.

Monitoring school work, housework, meals, and dealing with a messed up school system is exhausting.

Please, don’t get me started on how bored and unmotivated the kids are about school.

I’m tired of all this.

What about you?

Many remote working parents are struggling with productivity, energy, and mental balance.

One critical factor the helps me and can help any remote working parent is self-care.

As a mother, I need to care for all things, people, and family needs, but I need to put my wellbeing first.

If I’m not calm, patient, and productive, all other things can fall apart.

I need to prioritize my needs to be productive with my work and manage my family’s needs.

Today look at your schedule, and ask yourself:

What do I need to do today to stay calm, energized, and productive?

Write down what self-care practices and activities sustain your mental and physical wellbeing. Schedule them daily.

Delete and remove things that are not essential and that disrupt your wellbeing. If you can’t get rid of them, postpone.

Re-arrange your schedule with work commitments with the time available in your schedule.

If you are struggling with remote work, speak up to your co-worker or manager. Be open about your challenges and get support.

Remote working provides flexibility. Take advantage and focus on yourself.

One quote

“If we want to cultivate hopefulness, we have to be willing to be flexible and demonstrate perseverance.”

Brene Brown

One question

What are you doing today to practice self-care?

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