What is wrong with me?

Your mind tends to hold on to negative thoughts.
It selects these thoughts to validate your beliefs.
Negative self-beliefs need constant feeding.
You don’t realize it but you are focusing on things to feed those beliefs.
For example, You brake a cup.
It slipped from your wet hands.
You can choose to move on.
Clean the pieces.
Forget about it.
But no.
Your mind wants to validate the belief.
Your inner voice says:
What is wrong with me?
That starts a cycle, emotions arise.
Your mind is holding on a flawed belief.
The more you repeat, the stronger it makes the belief.
Observe your negative self-beliefs.
Write them down.
Evaluate and question them.
Release unhelpful beliefs.
Set yourself free.
One quote
“I discovered that when I believed my stressful thoughts, I suffered, but when I questioned them, I didn’t suffer.”
– Byron Katie
One question
What negative beliefs do you repeat daily about yourself?