The standing stress release technique
We have accepted that to survive our stressful life and multiple demands, multitasking is the way to go. It turns out that our brain disagrees. Focusing on a thing and just doing one task is the best for our brain.
When the brain is overloaded, it begins to malfunction.
If you feel scattered and that your mind is all over the place try a centering technique. It will help to bring your mind to the present moment and deactivate the stress response in the brain.
In simple words, it is a technique to calm down when your brain is freaking out.
A stress release technique can help to bring your mind to connect with your body and reset the brain from a scattered mode to a centering way. You will make better decisions and come up with better solutions to your problems.
Standing stress release technique
Begin with a standing position. Relax your shoulders, and the torso is upright and straight, feet hips distance apart, look forward and close your eyes.
Connect with your body
Bring your attention to four points in your body. Do it in the following order: Feet, knees, hips, and navel. Stay a few breaths in each one of these body parts and observe the sensations.
Imagine all the scattered thoughts becoming energy particles. Visualize all those particles coming together and collecting in your navel area. Draw all that energy into the center of your body.
Continue focusing on the visualization until you start to feel more stable, centered and balanced in your body.
Do this stress release technique whenever you feel stressed. I like to do it before situations that I know tend to make me feel stressed as a
way to center myself and prepare my mind to be more balanced.
It can also be a great way to way end your day and useful to prepare the body and mind to let go of the stress of your day.
One quote
Human multitasking is an apparent human ability to perform more than one task at the same time. In reality is when my brain freaks out, I become impatient, pushy, irritable, cranky, bossy, overwhelmed, and scattered.Tamy Khan
One question
What is your definition of multitasking?