The simple truth we shouldn’t forget about our anxious mind

If you spend a lot of time worrying you create unnecessary stress and anxiety. When your brain worries, it can get stuck in negativity. It can turn up a simple difficulty into a catastrophe.
People tend to value worry as something very important. We like to believe that worry is necessary and a good thing. In theory, it is but in reality, 90% of your worry is not real. It’s mostly created by your mind and it’s negative tendencies.
The things that your mind is predicting when you worry most likely will never happen. The more you worry, the more physical and mental resources you waste. You could put those resources into better use doing something productive.
Imagine if the time you spend worrying you could do something meaningful that will help you thrive in your life.
If you want to be less stressed and anxious you have to take control of your worries. A proven strategy to deal with mental stress is to change how you see the stress triggers. Consider changing your beliefs about worrying.
I have created an Anti-worrying manifesto. This manifesto will help you to re-evaluate how you perceive your worry. These statements are in the first person so you can use them as a mantra that you can repeat. The repetition can become a new ‘On the go stress reduction tool’.
The anti-worrying manifesto
1. I don’t have to worry about what others think of me.
2. My worries are like ocean waves. They come and go.
3. If a worry will help me solve a problem, I’ll do something about it.
4. Any worry that is out of my control to resolve, I’ll let it go.
5. When I let go or resolve a worry, I don’t need to find another one.
6. Excessive worrying doesn’t add meaning or value to my life.
7. I only need to pay attention to 10% of my worries.
8. Worrying thoughts are not dangerous but my imagination is.
9. Worrying is part of being human but chronic worry is not.
10. I’m learning not to give a fuck about my worries.
One quote
“If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today.”
– Joseph Cossman
One question
How is worrying feeding your stress and anxiety today?