How to use mindfulness meditation and fun to solve a problem when your mood is down

woman wearing white headphones

So you are stuck with a problem, and you keep overthinking about it. You feel that there are no satisfactory solutions to help you. The problem is making you down and moody.

How do you overcome this challenge?

Checking your mood can be the first step to reset from negativity into positivity. Changing how you feel can make you aware of negativity. When the mind is critical is more likely to produce and only see negative outcomes.

If you are over-analyzing a problem from a negative perspective, creativity might not flow. Finding a positive and an alternative solution is about the opposite. It would be best if you can an open mind with creativity and fewer judgments.

To reset and engage positivity, look at your mood. Creativity can be at your fingertips if you remove the critical block and open to a new opportunity.
When you open to an alternative possibility, you are engaging the brain to look for more.

Our brain’s activity switches to positive gear when we asked questions. Our mind loves solving challenges and looking for answers. Curiosity is a creative path to connect with mental flexibility.

Right now, think about a problem from work that you are struggling to solve. Visualize the problem and notice how you feel. Ask the following questions:

1. What is my mood right at this moment?

2. Is my mood pointing to negative or positive?

3. If I allow myself to fail, what new lessons could I learn?

After doing this, write the answers to the third question.

Then pick one of these mindful and fun activities:

  1. Play your favorite tune and sing and dance to it.
  2. Do a short five-minute guided meditation.
  3. Write the names of three people that you are grateful for in your life and why.

Doing any of these activities will trigger dopamine in your body. This hormone will connect you with positivity and give you a mood boost. Also, it will engage the areas of your brain that promote creativity and problem-solving.

Now go back and repeat the first exercise of the three questions.

Notice your mood and explore the questions with a curious mind. Pretend that you are asking the questions for the first time. Open your thinking to alternative possibilities and creativity.

One quote

Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.”

Roy T. Bennett

One question

Has your mood interfered with your creativity and problem-solving today?

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