How is your inner critic doing today?

Adding fuel to the fire?
Have you consider that the inner critic is trying to protect you.
Yes, that inner voice.
Believe it or not, is trying to help.
Prevent pain.
Protect you from rejection.
Keep you safe.
But this inner voice has a problem.
Tends to get things wrong.
Like a friend with good intentions.
But bad advice.
This friend is hard to ignore.
So you have to find a way to collaborate.
Don’t get alarmed quickly to the negative warnings.
Change the voice.
Turn the critic into a nurturing voice.
Hear the inner critic, repeat affirmations.
Pick a phrase.
Kind and loving to you.
“I accept myself as I am”
“I love myself. ”
Finish with a smile.
One quote
The world is nothing but my perception of it. I hear only through the filter of my story” -Byron Katie
One question
What loving affirmation will connect with your inner critic today?