If you are feeling scattered and stressed, take a pause and look at nature. The natural world can help anyone to return to a mental state that feels centered and…
Read MoreI want to stay more connected with the present and mindful every day. Letting go of the past and not worrying about the future is where I want to be.…
Read MoreI frequently come across people that want to meditate and don’t know how to begin. When I first started to meditate years ago, my practice was very different from what…
Read MoreQuietism is an old contemplative practice that has influenced different religious traditions. It is also an eastern meditation practice. In this simple meditation, you train the mind to focus in…
Read MoreOur internal chaos could feel like our natural mental state. This is a mistake… Your mind ’s natural state is open and calm. Like an open blue sky. You have…
Read MoreStillness it’s easier than you think. First, sit. Stop looking down. Turn off the phone. Look up. Literally. What can you see? Observe. After a while, notice. Look further. Stay…
Read MoreFollow these mindful tips for your well-being. Get more sleep. You need 7-9 hours. Consider napping to catch up. Ensure you get the hours you need. Do daily prayers or…
Read MoreA common obstacle for meditators is resisting the mind. Getting frustrated with their thoughts. Meditation is not against the mind. The mind is not the enemy. In meditation, you develop…
Read MoreObese people have been able to improve eating habits with mindfulness training. Here are some tips on how to do it. Mindful eating starts with your body. Pay attention to…
Read MoreMindfulness, the most powerful tool I know. For results, practice. You don’t need a lot of time. Being mindful starts with noticing. Noticing your thoughts. Follow this technique. Take 3…
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