3 Steps to calm yourself when feeling anxious

Knowing how to center your mind could be a very valuable tool to have when you are feeling stressed. You can do these steps in your morning to start your…

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The simple truth we shouldn’t forget about our anxious mind

If you spend a lot of time worrying you create unnecessary stress and anxiety. When your brain worries, it can get stuck in negativity. It can turn up a simple…

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The brain tamer you need to reduce anxiety.

Dealing with stress and frequent anxiety can deplete your well-being. Make you feel tired. Worn out. Anxiety usually starts with a worry. The worry builds. It creates a stress cycle.…

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Common anxiety triggers that you can easily stop doing

If you recently noticed an increase in your stress, and you have been feeling more anxious, You could be triggering anxiety without knowing. Our mental health is susceptible to our…

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woman wearing white and brown floral cap-sleeved top

4 Ways to calm the mind without meditation

Follow these mindful tips for your well-being. Get more sleep. You need 7-9 hours. Consider napping to catch up. Ensure you get the hours you need. Do daily prayers or…

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woman wearing black sports bra

How to deal with your anxious brain

★ONE IDEA Your brain is turned on all day. It’s always protecting you. Ensures your survival. You sleep, your brain works. Day and night, always on alert. It creates worry…

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